Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This Is Your Classically Damaged Gothic Couple Kids

Just when I figure that there is no possible way that the whole 'Twilight' phenomena can get to me or co-op anything that I find special I see this. How DARE they dare to compare Belle and Edward to the two greatest doomed lovers in literary history. When it comes to moody and damaged its only Catherine and Heathcliffe from Emily Bronte's 'Wuthering Heights' that qualify as THE classic Gothic romantic tragic couple. Belle's damaged comes from her selfishness and stupidity while Edward just needs more sun and less twinkle. Posers.


Wings1295 said...

I guess they want to do whatever they can to get younger people to read the classics. But it is sort of odd, to say "Edward and Bella like this".

Nicole said...
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Nicole said...

I like these covers. I haven't finished Wuthering Heights yet... In the books, they talk about Wuthering Heights alot. I guess I'll shut up now.

Word Verification: hasing
Second Word Verification (since I accidentally wrote next instead of yet): litholy

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Nicole you should love Wuthering Heights, its so gloomy and there is no happy ending...just the way the gods intended. And nobody sparkles.

Nicole said...

I will give it another shot, then, once I'm done with the 87 other books I'm reading!

Word Verification: elsher

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Love hearing that you are a reader. The smartest ones always are.

Nicole said...

Thank you!

Word Verification: dinimpsi