Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tough To Be A Girl Baby

It's so much tougher to be a girl that it's ever been to be a boy in our culture. Females hardly get a change to grow up before we hypersexualize them. This may have always been the case but it seems to be the path most girls are placed on and in pop culture it's unavoidable. The only thing worse than being pretty is not being pretty and that really needs to stop. How many young women do we see everyday who find that relying on their looks is the fast track to soul crushing failure. I hate what the fashion and beauty industries do to women and I did all I could as a teacher to support what was really important, those skills that pay off in the long run like creativity, strength of character, acceptance of others and compassion.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I agree and am glad you wrote this. It's a shame the way we objectify women and pigeonhole them based on our basest sexual feelings.

Unknown said...

i KNEW i liked you! thank you so very much for this posting. i did one which was similar. women having to be SEXY airline pilots or SEXY taxi drivers.

there is nothing wrong with sexy.

there IS something wrong with women only being portrayed as SEXY. only good if they're SEXY. only capable of being SEXY

once again, thanks

Chase March said...

I'm certainly glad to be a guy so that I don't have to put up with any of this crap. It is quite ridiculous. Thanks for reminding us all of this.

Wings1295 said...

Great post! It starts early, doesn't it? Look at even just the simple super-hero costumes. All the boys are clad head to toe, yet the girl heroes have legs and more bare. Not fair.

Artman2112 said...

i was having a discussion about this just the other day, how all the female halloween costumes are just like they were years ago excepet now they are the "slut" versions of them. slut fairy, slut cowgirl, slut hula dancer, slut harem girl, etc, etc. on the one hand i kinda like it if the woman is over 18 and all, but on the other hand it's disturbing when a 13 year old is wanting to wear the same thing.

Hannah said...

Women are under an insane amount of pressure nowadays-We have to have an amazing career, perfect family, spotless house, create healthy meals-all while prancing around looking like Barbie.
(Oh and we have to STAY looking young, hence the popularity of botox)

It's no wonder so many women are stressed out and depressed!