Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Cure For The Common Cold?

We have been taught to believe that if you catch a cold you just have to suffer with it for either a week or 7 days. Anything you do will only deal with the symptoms until you body takes care of the cold virus on it's own and that takes time. Since viruses are living things that evolve and change over time, it was believed that there was no way to create new target specific antibodies fast enough to clear up the sickness.

New research is showing that this may no longer be the case and that a cold can be knocked out in as little as 2 hours after one realizes they have caught the virus.

"In a dramatic breakthrough that could affect millions of lives, scientists have been able to show for the first time that the body's immune defences can destroy the common cold virus after it has actually invaded the inner sanctum of a human cell, a feat that was believed until now to be impossible."

As someone who is interested in this kind of science, I found this to be a fascinating article. The human body is an amazing piece of machinery that seems to have mechanisms built in to the cells that can heal us if they are given a push in the right direction.

It's good news but brings up other questions. How else will this discovery impact our health and well being? Can other viruses like HIV, or Ebola, be killed in the body with this method? What new problems will result if viruses evolve to the point where they become so-called SUPER VIRUSES that are resistant to destruction?

I think I hear the pharmaceutical industry choking on their lost profits as we speak. If it helps ease their fears, I will continue to drink Nyquil for the buzz I get off it.

Check out the article below and tell me what you think.



TS Hendrik said...

I use my natural remedies anyway. Every time I see a doctor they try to kill me. I thought the last time they were going to succeed.

Kal said...

I would be interested in learning more about your homeopathic medicines and see how much better or worse they are compared to more well known remedies. There is alot of good knowledge that is never used by conventional medicine but so called 'folk' remedies have been used for hundreds if not thousands of year to cure people of their ailments.

TS Hendrik said...

I've done a lot of study on the subject after doctors basically made me very sick for awhile. I like to find the treatments and herbs that have actually passed scientific batteries.

For instance Andrographis which is an Indian herb has been shown to cut the duration of a flu in half.