Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Welcome To My Nightmare

My computer is acting all stupid and not letting me access many websites or my mail. She sites I am allowed to access takes forever to come up. I can post occasionally but that has been a slow nightmare as well for the past two days. Gotta call Shaw and their less than spectacular service dept and hope that someone there can help my connection problems or have the technician come by to fix the problem and bring a new modem to avoid any future disruptions to my computer usage. If I can't have twenty different things going at once then I feel that I am somehow 'slacking off''.

Then I forget what I was looking for when the page doesn't open or takes forever to open because I have the attention span of a hummingbird. Only the coolest things have any chance of sticking around long enough for me to post about them. I am frustrated with all the stuff I am missing commenting on.

I have a headache. I never get headaches. I am not sleeping well this week either. Maybe I can find something to watch that will slow down my brain enough to help me sleep.

Tomorrow it's off to the therapist - another government covered advantage of living in this Socialist Paradise and after that my stress should quiet down. I am more anxious about seeing him than not seeing him. What the hell does THAT mean? Someone bring on the snows.



Tim Knight said...

Good luck with everything. I know how stressful computer issues can be, but hopefully it'll all get sorted soon.

And remember no matter how bad things get at least you are living in a Socialist Paradise ;-)

Sam G said...

Hang tight Cal. I completely understand the stress. We'll be anxiously awaiting. Peace.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Last night my TV died. No picture but the sound is perfect. Also the PVR is still working. I too suspect Shaw. Those bastards. The only problem with my theory is that all the other TVs in our house work perfectly. And no, don't ask how many we have. It's embarrassing.

Kal said...

At least you had a backup. No TV? That is a world I can't live in. I CAN'T! I WON'T!

DrGoat said...

Hang in there Cal. They got me on Lyrica to get any kind of decent sleep.
PS Watched Revolution last night. Too much like a soap opera. Same old stuff keeps happening over and over.

Kal said...

I am glad I never got into that one either. I knew it would only annoy me. Always on the journey, never feeling satisfied by what I DON'T know.

Wings1295 said...

Deep breaths and remember, tomorrow is another day!