Monday, November 16, 2015

I Did My Most Randomn Podcast Ever For Geek Fallout

I did a great podcast for about three hours where we talked about nothing in particular. There were many pieces of dead air and I thought I talked to much but I HATE dead air. I do loves me some podcasting. I don't really get to interact with other humans on a monthly basis. I am like a prisoner or as I prefer a lone astronaut on his way to Mars. I don't talk to anyone, really. These podcasts are the only real live human interaction that I get even though it is over Skype. So I have a reason for dominating the conversation or being a little over the top. I recognize my defects. I hope I don't get the boot because of it because my pop cultural knowledge is solid. I am as geek as any of them.


1 comment:

DrGoat said...

Give em hell Cal. You've got the knowledge, that's what
these things are supposed to be about.