Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Most Open Secret On This Blog

Don't be offended but Tink is the ONLY blonde for me.
I always felt bad that she loved a boy who would rather play with the other boys than hang out with her and I was ready to step up and be her rebound guy after she saw Peter for who he really is. Not that there is anything wrong with his lifestyle but she had to be told the truth. That way she could move on and meet a nice guy who would appreciate her for all the cool things about her like her spunk and her bravery and her love for her friends. She just needs to be less of a door mat and I tell her that with love.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

She wouldn't be the first naive girl to fall for a gay guy.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

No she would not. And falling for a flying pirate boy with a tiny dagger never ends well.

DrGoat said...

Ah, but remember the Lost Boys!