Saturday, June 6, 2009

OMG...1001 POSTS!!!!

Sure I post alot of things a day because alot of ideas enter my mind at any given moment and I just have to comment on them or share images of them with all of you. Blogging becomes addictive when you find out how enjoyable it is to just shove your ideas out into the world. Who knew that only after ten months I would have reach my 1001 post. I recently tried to get my google analytics to work to find out where my site traffic is coming from. If anyone can help me with that I would appreciate it. Thanks to everyone who visits and comments. My continued unlimited love to you all. Here are 15 of my favorite posts for those of you who may not have been with me from the beginning. We would fire off some fireworks in the cave but it makes all the bats crazy.


Anonymous said...

Steven set up my counter/tracker thing... ask him

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

What? No love for Big Daddy's 1000th post? That is cold baby!

alex teo said...

Congrats, Calvin on your 1000th post. Lisa is right - the StatCounter is an amazing tool. The tracking it does and insights it gives you is very interesting.

Link here:

CHEERS! Alex from Toy Haven

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks Alex. I checked that out and everything seems to be set up now.

alex teo said...

You're welcome. Another more colourful counter is this:

It displays all the different countries' flags and shows you new visitors daily BUT the statcounter still gives more information.

Happy tracking!

Wings1295 said...

Congrats Cal! You always post stuff I find fun and interesting, so keep up the good work! Soon enough, we will be here for you 100,001th post! hahaha

And I enjoyed going through some of your older posts, good stuff ever way back when!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

From your mouth to the ears of the gods Wings..thanks for always giving your support.

Chase March said...

Hi Calvin,

As always thanks for sharing. It's interesting to see what you choose to share with us.

Just a tip though, if you want to share links, highlight the link and then type "Control C" to copy it. Then find the chain logo on the top of the post with all the other buttons that allow you to use bold or italics. Click on that and then you will get a pop up box to make that text a clickable link. Then type "Control V" to paste it.

That way people can just click on the links in your post and won't have to copy and paste them.