Friday, August 28, 2009

The Men Who Stare At Goats

The other day when I was filling out a pop culture meme I was asked what upcoming movies I was excited about. I added that I was excited by something that I did not know about yet because the trailer hadn't been released. I had faith that something would strike my fancy but I am surprised it happen so quickly. I have not read the book or heard about this production but it stars four of my favorite actors in what is sure to be a great goofy ride. In my opinion George Clooney is a born comedian and a smart actor. When he does comedy ('Brother Where Art Thou?') there is no one that can match him in evoking real belly laughs from me. Comedy is tough even with great material. I laugh in ANTICIPATION of the punch line to come with Clooney because you have faith in his delivery and the character he creates before you. Just hearing him say he is a 'Jedi' in this trailer was enough to get me jazzed about this production.


Ricky Shambles said...

Thank you for this! I laughed out loud 4 or 5 times just from the trailer. Certainly on my top 5 "watch for" movies. Awesome.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

You are welcome. Its like I said, sometimes you see a trailer for a movie that you know nothing about and based on that trailer you decide its a must - see.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...
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Wandering Coyote said...

Man, I HAVE to see this! My brother would love it, too! I hope it comes to da boonies.

Here is one coming out in October that I'm really stoked about.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The guy playing the writer who steals the kid's work is on Flight of the Concordes..have you see another film he was in called Shark Vs Eagle. Very sweet romantic comedy.