Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's True

Necessity IS the mother of invention. My feet were feeling cold and since I am essentially an engine that generates excessive BTUs (heat units) I was not going for the Snuggie. I would melt like an ice cube in a diaper. So I looked around the cave and saw a nice thick pillowcase and put my feet in that and pulled the pillow case up to my knees (YES, I know I could have put socks on but that can be such a production). Now, my problem is solved and I have a million dollar idea...the 1/4 or 1/2 Snugglie which I call the 'SNU'. Of course it keeps me rooted here in my chair and should a mutant swarm of flying cephalopods suddenly enter the cave, I will be stuck for a moment or two removing myself from the 'Snu'. It IS cozy though. One of my proudest moments.


Wings1295 said...

Er, I foresee lawsuits when peeps try to run in their SNUs. Not good, man.

Drake said...

What's snu with you?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

You both make good points. But even Edison was mocked in his day.

Unknown said...

i am SO telling my friend erin about this. she is going to die! (she has a snuggie fetish without actually OWNING one)