Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Airing Of The Grievances - 8

How big a douchebag do you have to be when even the term 'douchebag' is not a strong enough word to describe your douchey behavior? Traitor Joe Lieberman reached a whole new level of chutzpah with his performance over US healthcare reform. He, however is not the only one to blame. I also am pissed at Democrats who can't lead their way out of a wet paper bag. If you can't stand up to a slug like Lieberman than I am not sure that you should be in charge of anything larger than a petting zoo. Even then I will need to hire someone to count the puppies at the end of the day. This planet deserves to spin into the sun. Time to bomb it, pave it and start fresh in the morning. As Chris Rock would say, "GOOD LAWD!"

I know I am jinxing this by saying the words but I have successfully avoided (to this point) anything that makes me feel that I am in the holiday season. You know that special kind of chest pain you get at this time of year? I don't have it and I don't miss it. Whoever thought that avoiding something that was suppose to uplift my spirit could be so rewarding?

1 comment:

Metro said...

Unfortunately if anyone were to actually kick Joe Lieberman in the nuts, he has health insurance to get it treated.

Alas for a system that gives such a poltroon such power.