Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This Is My Idea Of Hell On Earth

This is a pool in China where temperatures have reached in excess of 35 degrees Celsius. People have to use inner tubes to protect their personal space. I swear if I was in the middle of that I would last all of 20 seconds before I started to freak out. This is why I live in a cave that is cool (and by cool I mean the temperature). GAH!.



Wings1295 said...

I don't think I could handle it, either. I would be running away, inner tube and all.

D.I. Felipe González said...

That reminds me of "Acapulco en Semana Santa". You ,boreal Cal, won't understand it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

My question for anyone who ventures into the pool - why?

baygirl32 said...

That is pure HELL! I don't care how hot it is... you would NEVER catch me in there

Kelly Sedinger said...

I figured that was a dress rehearsal for the "aftermath of the sinking" scene in Titanic.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Explain it to me F.I. (oh and I think I am changing my name to 'Boreal Cal' - I love that monicker that much).

Megan said...

I would freak the hell out. For sures.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Cal, Acapulco is the most popular beach destination in Mexico. It's popular because it is the nearest (or at least the most accesible) beach destination to Mexico City. In Holy Week we have vacations here and crowds head over to Acapulco.
You can get the idea here: http://tecdelicias.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/6a00d8341c7d4053ef00e54f1ef83f8833-800wi.jpg

Chantale said...

Just looking at the picture raises my anxiety level. That is my nightmare right there.

DrGoat said...

I would last about 5 seconds before a fatal panic attack