Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Broke My Heart

One of the great movie experiences of my life occurred while watching 'Back To The Future' for the first time. It was just about the most perfect movie I can remember ever seeing. Everything wrapped up so neatly and nicely and between the beginning and the end there was this great time travel family adventure. Michael J. Fox was the perfect teen hero saving his parent's marriage and the life of his friend and mentor, Doc. Brown. From casting to props to that terrific last minute save that got Marty back from the past - I found it thrilling. Even 25 years later the movie stands up.

Tonight I watched Michael on 'The Good Wife' playing a lawyer with Parkinson's who defended a corporation that made a bad drug. It was so depressing watching how hard he was trying to do what he loved - act - and how much his conditioned had advanced since I last saw him do anything on TV.

If you remember the 80s like I do, you remember what a force of nature he was. 'Family Ties' was a great sitcom and he was the energy that propelled that show. There was nobody like the character Alex P. Keaton. He was iconic. He had such a natural style and comfortably wore any role he was placed in.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I admired his courage. I admired the way he has been able to find work that incorporates his condition into the character he is playing. I still admire him. Anyone else would have hidden his disability from the world but he has embraced it and became a poster boy for everyone who struggles daily with medical issues. That makes him a hero to me.


Chase March said...

I completely agree with you.

I idolized Michael J Fox as a kid. I wanted to be Marty McFly. I actually got my parents to buy me mirrored sunglasses and a jean jacket.

"Back to the Future" is an amazing movie. I have a lot of it memorized I've seen it so many times.

And Fox can still be a hero.


DrGoat said...

Micheal Fox seems like a great guy. Anyone who goes up against the cretin Rush Limbaugh is a hero to me. I always liked Fox, as opposed to Matthew Broderick who seems like a real dick. And married to Sarah J. Parker to boot.

Kal said...

I know. Did anyone ever tell him that she was NOT an attractive woman? I can see him waking up after all those years and being right horrified that he married someone with a horse face. I don't get why she is an actress. Did someone lose a bet?

Nomad said...

Can't comment on SJP but would anyone remember BTTF if it starred Eric Stoltz instead. The guy from Caprica who was originally cast as Marty would seem so out of place if you think about it. Fox made that movie.

MinusAll said...

Great post....

joe ackerman said...

couldn't agree with you more. even after all these years, the first Back To The Future ( in all honesty, I don't really care for the other two, but then I love the first Star Wars movie, and don't really care for the other two, either ) is still a great GREAT movie! I watched it only recently on TCM with a mate of mine's two kids ( eight and eleven ), and they loved it ( the younger one's taken up skateboarding because he loved it so much! ). a wonderful film!

saw Michael on The Actor's Studio not that long ago, and it was an absolute joy to see the strength and the positivity with which he deals with his situation. the man's a legend, and an inspiration to us all.

great post, man.