Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Would Kill Myself On These Skates

"I’m not sure if this should be called a set of motorized skates, a motorized unicycle, or something else. At any rate, the FlyRad pulls the user around while wearing roller skates. It can reach speeds of 25 MPH and travel 31 miles on a single charge:

Users can “ride” the vehicle in a number of ways including sitting, standing, squatting or hands free. Riders can even switch positions on the go. In standing mode the device is held much like a jackhammer which tows the rider along, while in sitting mode the rider sits on the saddle with a pair of skates acting as the vehicle’s front wheels.

Since steering is controlled by the skates, the rider can let go of the handle bars altogether to give the sensation of flying that presumably gives the FlyRad its name. When ridden in this way the FlyRad stays in place by transferring the rider’s weight onto a couple of pads attached to the bottom of the handlebars that push down onto the rider’s upper legs."

There is no way I would use this contraption without thick leather gear and a double crash helmet - and even then I would need a large parking lot surrounded by hay bales. I am not really a motorcycle guy. To many things distract me to use one safely. I don't even like to drive unless I am the only person in the car. You can see the video of this device in action by going HERE.


DrGoat said...

Yet another ridiculous, useless device.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

One car and your new name would be splat.