Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nicked From Dr Monkey

He is a man of ideas and strangely all of them make sense. How he lives in a world that seems to work against his common sense must fill him with a sense of disappointment. I feel his pain.


Tempo said...

I like very true.

Dr. MVM said...

Thanks for the link and the publicity. ;O)

LaurieB said...

Most very excellent site. Many thanks. AtheistNexus is good too.

Wings1295 said...

Saw it on his site and liked it, see it here and like it again. Cool re-post, Cal!

Robert McKinney said...

I believe that for many people, religion is the only hope they have in this world, and without it, they would probably be dead.

Me included.

Kal said...

I don't have anything against people having their beliefs, I realize that for many (like my mother) it such a part of who they are that it gives them comfort when things are tough. I just resent those who try to use their beliefs to justify hated or discrimination against others or who preach to me and claim that they know without a doubt that the Bible is the ACTUAL word of god. That kind of absolutism never sits well with me. I would rather trust in myself or others than wait for a god to save us all. I have been let down by those beliefs too many times.

Hobgoblin238 said...

The person has never studied the Bible with Jehovah's witnesses.

Kal said...

Nor will I ever want too. I have known a few JWs in my life and...well.