Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This Picture Defines Cool

Thus it is added to the Cave of Cool in the hopes that one day I may be as wickedly awesome as Frankie here. Helicopter, fedora, and whiskey neat - good lawd that is cool. And to make it just that much cooler - the picture was taken by Yul Brynner. AAAAAAA!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Now, this is something to aspire to.

Tempo said...

..and he didnt spill a drop

DrGoat said...

That is the most awesome thing I've seen for a long time. And Yul Brynner too! That photo is like unobtainium.

Kal said...

When I imagine Yul with his camera on the rooftop helicopter landing pad - how all the things had to come together to get this picture, my head just about explodes.