Sunday, June 17, 2012

Everyone Is A Collector Of Something

Pyramid of German helmets near Grand Central Terminal: black-and-white photoprint, ca. 1918: View of the employees of the New York Central Railroad, assembled in Victory Way, showing the pyramid of captured German helmets, with Grand Central Terminal in the background. Two cannons are shown at the left and right.

Any history buffs know what figure lies at the top of the pyramid? Some commenters have speculated that it may be Nike the Goddess of Victory.

What do you collect?


M. D. Jackson said...

The figure at the top is Maria from Metropolis. Any minute now the crowd will set fire to the whole pile.

I collect dust if I don't move around enough.

DrGoat said...

My current collection is ukuleles. I have one. If I actually learn to play it, I might get another.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Everyone is a non-collecting comedian around here.

DrGoat said...

Hey Cal, that wasn't a joke. I just got a 6 string ukulele and I'm learning how to play it. I needed something to occupy some time that I don't spend doting on all the other stuff I've collected over the years. (comics, swords, Sci-Fi stuff, health problems etc.)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That is so cool to pick up something new in life. I would love to hear a composition of yours and more pics of your other treasures.