Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Captain American Vs Fighting American

Rob Leifeld will forever contend that his character, Fighting American, is in no way similar to Captain America. Well I don't see any comparrisons? GAH! Leifeld is the devil and never has anyone with ZERO talent went further in the comic industry.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Amusingly Fighting American was originally a Joe Simon/ Jack Kirby creation for Prize Comics in the 1950s. Wikipedia has more info on the legal battles between Marvel and Rob Liefeld for the books similarities to Captain American and another between Rob and the estate of Jack Kirby for using his character.

Fighting American had a great costume, but seeing Rob draw it... He never captures its dynamic shapes or the sense of motion in its sweeping stripes.

Mike D. said...

I thought at the time that he'd obtained rights to produce the comic. I know DC took a turn at FA but Awesomes take outright stunk up the scene. I hated it. I love FA...not as much as CAP but any Simon and Kirby creation is tops in my book. Rob never claimed he created the character did he? Because obviously...it's a bold faced lie. It is true that he's an over rated dweebish hack crappy no idea what he's doing piece of crap Kirby wannabe. But for one odd reason or another he makes money and his comics sell. BUt you can go ahead and remove the pic up top and put that down at the bottom and replace it with either of the CAP pics...lol

Jaclyn said...

I'm not a huge Captain American fan! He's just not as awesome of a superhero as lets sayyy The Wolverine!!! :) :)

Mike D. said...

Captain American? lol just noticed that...pretty cool name. I do believe it would've worked either way