Monday, July 2, 2012

I Am Pretty Sure I Hate This

I looked again. Yeh, I hate it. I don't care if it's fan created or studio licensed. It stinks.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I hate posters that just put a "2" on the poster. Attention marketers! The theaters are flooded with sequels, not everyone is going to have their pulse on upcoming films and know what shameful sequel you're shoving out because all you are doing is letting us know that you are making a sequel and nothing else.

Reminds me of a time I went to the theater and they had a line up of posters, one with an uninspired silhouette with the number 2 at the bottom (Iron Man 2), a giant bedazzled cardboard Number 2 that looked like it was taken off the set of Sesame Street (Sex and the City 2) and a number 3 against a black background (Toy Story 3) That last one ticked me off the most since Pixar, the powerhouse of imagination, couldn't do anything clever with their own poster!

M. D. Jackson said...

If it was fan made: Dude, don't use the lens flare effect. It's cheap and makes you look unprofessional.

If it came from the studio: Find out who did this and tell them, Dude, don't use the lens flare effect. It's cheap and makes you look unprofessional.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

The signature at the bottom left says "Fan Made" to me.

That and IMDB doesn't have any info on this movie, so I doubt theres anything official yet.

I imagine they would want a subtitle for this movie. The first one was called "The First Avenger", so maybe the second film should have something with "Second" or "Two" in the title. Just a thought.