I think that Chloe Moretz is just too pretty for the role of Carrie. Sissy Spacek had the right combination of ugly and pretty to make the performance work and become extra terrifying when all the fireworks begin. Some movies also don't need to be remade, they were perfectly fine the first time around. This just seems like an excuse for some young filmmakers to show off all the Prom carnage they can create with modern special effects. Let's just call this one Final Destination 6 and be done with it.
The original Carrie was the first really scary movie that I ever saw in the theatre. I begged my aunt to take me because my Mother forbid me from seeing it. She was right, I had nightmares for weeks afterwards. I think that has a lot to do with my uneasiness with horror films. Some people find the thrills intoxicating but I find these kinds of films (especially the torture ones) to be an uncomfortable chore to get through. Don't get me wrong, I loved Saw and Seven and Silence of the Lambs AFTER I had see them but first I had to be pulled kicking and screaming into the theatre. I need lots of people around me to watch these kind of films.
I still haven't seen the original. Gotta get around to that some day.
I loved the original movie and you are right CGM is too pretty for this role. Carrie is plain.
That all said, I will watch this.
Oh I will watch too. I watch everything Chloe does.
Its a bit hard to invest myself in this trailer knowing how it ends (even though the original is still on my "to see" list). All I can think is, "man, this trailer has some really choppy editing."
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