Monday, April 15, 2013

This Just Doesn't Look Safe



bliss_infinte said...

With the spring-action platform I'm sure it great for the spine! Those crazy Victorians.

Jordan said...

These two pictures -- and the progression from the external to the internal view -- prompted my only laugh-out-loud moment today.

The fact that it's plummeting ballistically towards that crazy barren landscape (which doesn't look like any kind of desirable travel destination) according to some kind of complex multi-stage theme...followed by the view of the measly sixteen passengers just sitting there in their fancy outfits, motionlessly facing away from each other, with no windows...and that decorative wainscoting near the top of the compartment...

Kal said...

Well they can bury them all together after the initial launch without even having to open the bullet up. I think reassembling body parts would take up the most of their launch.

Again...WHY make this in the first place? It seems a one time launch vehicle like a barrel over Niagra Falls.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Was this the first draft for the London Eye? FAIL!