Sunday, November 1, 2015

Cult Comic Book PREACHER Coming To AMC

It's really great to get in on a comic book series right from the start. I took at chance on Preacher when it first was released and I never regretting the strange journey I had to take to get to the end of the tale. I am really glad to see that AMC has picked this one up. Hell on Wheels will end soon as should the Walking Dead before it get's stale. The story of Jesse Custer will more than adequately fill the space for compelling storytelling. I do like a tale of a man who is angry at God - and who has the power to do something about it, maybe. I loved that throughout it's run the comic had the same cover artist, interior artist (Steve Dillon) and Writer (Garth Ennis). It gave the whole epic a very cohesive feel. But this is very much an ADULT comic book. Some of the freakiest shit ever found there way into the pages. At times they really pushed the edge but that was okay. I liked never knowing where the limits of the depravity even started because there were no limits.

Preacher tells the story of Jesse Custer, a preacher in the small Texas town of Annville. Custer is accidentally possessed by the supernatural creature named Genesis in an incident which killed his entire congregation and flattened his church.

Genesis, the product of the unauthorized, unnatural coupling of an angel and a demon, is an infant with no sense of individual will. However, as it is composed of both pure goodness and pure evil, it might have enough power to rival that of God Himself. In other words, Jesse Custer, bonded to Genesis, may have become the most powerful being in the universe.

Custer, driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, goes on a journey across the United States attempting to (literally) find God, who abandoned Heaven the moment Genesis was born. He also begins to discover the truth about his new powers. They allow him, when he wills it, to command the obedience of those who hear and comprehend his words. He is joined by his old girlfriend Tulip O'Hare, as well as a hard-drinking Irish vampire named Cassidy.

During the course of their journeys, the three encounter enemies and obstacles both sacred and profane, including: the Saint of Killers, an invincible, quick-drawing, perfect-aiming, come-lately Angel of Death answering only to "He who sits on the throne"; a disfigured suicide attempt survivor turned rock-star named Arseface; a serial-killer called the 'Reaver-Cleaver'; The Grail, a secret organization controlling the governments of the world and protecting the bloodline of Jesus; Herr Starr, ostensible Allfather of the Grail, a megalomaniac with a penchant for prostitutes, who wishes to use Custer for his own ends; several fallen angels; and Jesse's own redneck 'family' — particularly his nasty Cajun grandmother, her mighty bodyguard Jody, and the 'animal-loving' T.C.


Unknown said...

I let my kids read most of my comics, but this one I haven't even told them about. Safer that way. I'll give the show a go but if ever there was a story that was served best by a comic format, this is one of them.

Fiendenstein said...

I cannot wait for this, the casting of Cassidy is absolutely perfect. Preacher is the only comicbook my wife has ever had any time for, we couldn't wait for each collected trade to come out.

The trailer and the first story arch look very different, but those in charge are big fans so I have total faith (if that's the right word to use!)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Tulip will be black but I don't mind that so much. I get it, there are no character of color in that book but a lot of hillbillies. I wonder if Arseface is to UN-pc to show. I was afraid that they would make Cassidy a werewolf so I will wait and see what AMC does. They usually put out a very solid product.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

All that, PLUS a hard-drinking Irish vampire? I'm in.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The comic was very intense and often very depraved. That is why I liked it.