Thursday, November 2, 2017

Now Decide What Kind Of BEE You Want To BE When You Remind ME That Today Is Only Thursday



DrGoat said...

I must admit, I was a Do Bee at first when I was a kid, but when some of my toys didn't come back or were mistreated, I became a Don't Bee. 1959 or '60, I had a Trick Shot toy gun that shot a dart out of the back as well as the front. Priceless for causing havoc in the house. Lent it to the jerk kid down the block. He broke it. After that, forget it.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Never loaned out my toys. They were MY toys. To this day I still freak about a kid I knew who had the same pirate figure that I did. Fighting Furies with the peg leg that contained the treasure map. He took my treasure map because mine went missing and suddenly his figure had one. Yeh right. Lousy thug.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I had a dart firing crossbow that I would fire a great suction bolt. Knocked a cookie out of my Dad's hand once from the kitchen to his chair. Few seven year olds could have made that shot. True story.