Wednesday, June 3, 2020

OMG Sean Spicer Tossing Cotton Balls To The idiot trump

I love this lunacy SO MUCH. He has no idea where he is most days I assume. But that's what makes is so funny. No one will stop this and it will only become goofier. Not great for the world of course but for COMEDY? Bitch, please. This is GOLD.

How did I not know that he was a hero of the black people? All those things he's done and no one knows and no one is grateful, for things they don't know about because they DIDN'T HAPPEN.

Keep talking numnut. The more you talk the more you indict yourself. Racist bag of burning horseshit.

The nation doesn't need him to heal the nation, they need him to administer law and order? What am I missing here? Oh right. HE HAS NO SOUL OR ABILITY TO COMFORT!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Racist bag of burning horseshit" -- your eloquence is reaching positively poetic levels, Cal.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

He does make it really easy though.