Friday, June 5, 2009

Check This Out

My buddy Steve over at 'Booksteve's Library' let me know tonight that our common friends and one of my favorite people, Lisa Mynx, was going through some ennui and was thinking of dropping her blog. I am giving a shout to all my people out there to check out her site and give her some support. We are members of a unique fraternity and for some reason we find something of value in the opinions and postings of each other. She is a unique voice and to see her disappear would be a loss to us all. I also have selfish reasons for wanting her to stick around as I rely on her for many of the topics I blog about. To talk to her is to be in the company of a great mind. I will be lost without her because I adore her very much. So do a mitzva and get over to her site.


Wings1295 said...

Going there now! We don't need to lose a good blog or blogger!!!

katrocket said...

Perhaps it's that Ikea Poang chair that's getting her down. I'd trash it, just in case.

I'll stop in and say hello too (something I have been remiss about here in the CCCaveCool too -sorry dude)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Its okay Kat..I will try to recover and be strong..sniff...

Anonymous said...

thank you

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Anything for you girl.