Friday, January 1, 2010

Texting is the Fruits Of The Devil.

Not only do you bitches get quality blog from me but you get quality comments. How much must I love the sound of my own brilliance to post comments I make on other sites? Don't answer that. Pearl's post today on texting just got my genius riled up for some reason. At the same time I realize that this is more of a young person's THING...and I must learn to appreciate my lost youth as much as I do. Being bitter and cranky is the BEST part of growing older though.

"There is no fricken' way that I spent two years in Mr Chudobiak's hellish typing class to gather my skills as a superior typist (hell I need an asbestos keyboard) just to go backwards and start becoming a tweeter or a texter. If you think I will just accept your 140 character limits or your stupid ass abbreviations you can suck it. I want my language and my opinion to be meatier than that. I always say. The worst thing you can do is not to at least give me some EFFORT. I respect the attempt.

Besides it gives you huge thumbs and people will think you have toe thumbs like Megan Fox and that is a turn-off baby.

A 'hit and run' conversation reminds me of people who think that only ONE bullet will bring me down. Big Daddy has reminded too many that you don't bring a single shot revolver to a machine gun fight. For that reason I NEED to be OFF the GRID because being ON the GRID is how they GETCHA!!!

GAH..I love your opinions. You always give me something to rant about from the Cave of Cool.

The only text I want from you - if I used the cellphone and got texts would be - 'leave me, leave me here to die, save yourself'...and I would.

I won't go back to 'peasant vision' TV after Satellite - I can't, I WON'T! So what makes you think I will go back to abbreviating everything. Here's an abbreviation for all you punks - F.U."

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