Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cleaning Out The Comic Boxes

This was the first graphic novel I ever bought. It sat for two weeks in the book boxes at Woolco where I worked as a stock boy. The second I cashed my check I went into the pile where I had hidden it and claimed my prize. There were very few such collections out at the time so I felt like I had found something special.


Hobgoblin238 said...

Never seen that before! Awesome! There have been so many Marvel gems I have missed over the years.

Kal said...

They only released a select number of these collections like Origins of Marvel Comics, Sons of Origins and Bring On The Bad Guys. They were sold with real honest to goodness real books - which you never saw back in the day.

Unknown said...

Music Can Recall That's A Given
That Is Such A Great Post Kal
There Are So Many Comic Books / Books
I Can Recall Where I Purchased
Still Recall That Spinner Rack At 7-11
In 1974 When That New TARZAN Comic Was There
With So Many Others BATMAN
The Thrill Of Seeing Those Comic Covers
Brand New
Thank You For Reminding Me Before

Mike D. said...

I love those Fireside books

DrGoat said...

Back in the early 60s when I was buying comics as a kid, the best place to get them was at the drugstore. They always got 'em first. Drugstores had all the good kid stuff. I think it was a Rexall drugstore.

Kal said...

Or the PX on the base. They ALWAYS had tons of magazines and comics. They had the wrestling magazines that me and my Baba liked and of course all the porn just out of reach. You could also get those black and white Conan magazines without having to travel to the big city.