Sunday, August 20, 2017

Yeh I Know I Am Ranting To NO ONE

I just want the idiot trump to be punished in the most brutal way I can think of today. Thank you HOLLYWOOD for sending my mind to the spectacle of the Colosseum first. I want to see a spectacle if I am forced to watch his impeachment on TV. Something like Nazi Death Race would be a nice addition. It's like the regular Death Race but it's Nazis trying to kill other Nazis.

I guess I could just forgive him because his bullshit is turning me into someone who just wants to see him suffer physical harm. NAH. I can be more creative than that. Beating him with a bag of frozen oranges isn't the worst thing we can do to him. I wish he could do real jail time where he would be denied his freedom and his creature comforts. In prison he will be forgotten about like OJ was forgotten about. That would REALLY hurt him. No cheering crowds. No twice a day affirmation files. No two scoops of ice cream and the most 'amazing' chocolate cake. Just lots and lots of bum sex to fill his days. His punishment has to be the worst thing he can imagine (very 1984 I know) which for him is the realization that he will go down in history as the worst President in American history. It will be the ONE issue that all American will agree upon and that might build some bridges between like minded travelers. If anything this week has taught us is that their are some issues that sane people will always agree upon. Top of that list - NAZIS ARE BAD.
I called 18 months before he walks out the door on election day and I feel good about my prediction. Besides, we need that long to build the Thunderdome in time for the punishment phase of his trial. And we have to come up with all the fabulous events that will be a part of this national celebration. Hell, I say we feed some Christians to some lions just for old times sake.

I know it's hard sometimes to see and end to all this madness but it's there. Just let him talk. He will bury himself because like a cornered rat he will try to talk his way out of it and therein lies the beauty of my plan. Trump will convict himself because he won't be able to shut up. He is too much in love with the sound of his own voice. All he has to do to save his bacon is to shut up but he is incapable. He has no unexpressed thoughts in his head. And the thoughts that come out of his head are either funny or terrifying or a combination of both. He has a pathological need to tell you why everything he says or does is the greatest thing a human being has every conceived of. He will convict himself trying to convince us that he is a not a colluder and traitor and a thief.

Just like Tuesday when his thin skin allowed his true nature came out. Sure we knew what a hateful vindictive maggot trump was all along but now we have the tape to refer back to in all future conversations. How anyone can support him after seeing that pathetic display is beyond me. This is the proper behavior for an American President? If you think so then your expectations are ridiculously low. However, despite all reason the number of White Republicans who see no problems with his words or behaviors is over 70% And most of them idolize the Civil War albeit the losing side of that conflict. That has always struck me as strange. Maybe there is something they else that they admire about the South other than their grey uniforms and military genius, eh? What could that possible be? (hint - it's slavery) Combine those beliefs with the repurposed symbols of hate and they are as close to domestic terrorists as we can get. And they are heavily armed. Thank YOU America.

Maybe trump did us all a favor. The Nazis in the neighborhood have been brought into the light and their beliefs cannot survive in the sun. Social media and public stigma will crush them and marginalize them. They have badly calculated that the majority of white people who don't believe like they do would just look the other way because they believe that ALL white people think the way they do if they were REALLY honest with themselves. They just can't admit it in today's environment. Another pile of crap that they shovel.

We have the lessons of another time. If you don't know the TRUTH about Nazis then you owe it to the civilization to pick up a FUCKING BOOK. It's the least you can do for us.

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