Monday, October 2, 2017

Star Trek Discovery Continues To Shine - Episode 3

Universal law is for lackeys. Context is for Kings.
Pain and guilt and sorrow and misery is just the kind of Star Trek story I was looking for. Everyone is moody and shady and difficult to get along with. There are bad doings on this ship and I can't wait to see how it all plays out. This is one serialized story and not individual episodes. There is not lighthearted friendships and good times. This is the dark side of the Federation.

I have no idea what most of the crewmen are talking about and I love that. Someone has written a complete story here from the perspective of Michael Bernam and that is interesting because we only know what is happening from her perspective. Another interesting approach for a Star Trek story. This may be why people are annoyed with this show. It is not the happy, sunny life aboard a starship that we are all accustomed to. Everyone is out of their element.

This is what makes Discovery interesting and must see TV for me. I want to know more. I HAVE to know more.

Captain Lorca is also no Picard. He badgers his crew, bullies them and deliberately keeps them in his dark. I doubt even his senior staff is aware of his full intentions. Since when have you ever seen that?

I also like that the design of Discovery is based on the drawing of Ralph McQuarrie, the genius who did most of the best design work for Star Wars. He also worked on Star Trek. You can see by this illustration that his work is very influential to the final look of our new ship.


nolan said...

Yeah, really enjoying this so far!
I liked the redhead cadet roommate... (reminds me a bit of Barb from Stranger Things).

Interested to see what the "black badges" signify.

Lastly, the story behind Michael's name had better be worth it.

btw I really enjoyed the GF Kirby podcast... It was the first one I'd listened to, so now I've got some catching up to do...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks for giving it a chance. It's great to have people to talk this kind of great pop culture stuff with. Also I think I am pretty good. Learned from the master Howard Stern.

Chase March said...

Hi Cal,

I went into this episode with a healthy attitude of, "I'm going to do my best to like this. It's Star Trek" based on your opinion of the series so far. I stepped back from my hard to please Trekkie roots and actually enjoyed it a lot more.

It is way different. But it seems like at the brink of war early on in Starfleet's existence, perhaps crews and captains may have acted this way. I want the future to be bright and optimistic and I know they will get there because of the the Trek in the cannon. So, I can enjoy this one and look forward to more.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am glad you are starting to get into it. I know I am. I can't wait to see what will happen next.