Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I Am Not Feeling This One


DrGoat said...

Wow. Is that full of angst or what.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I don't know -- it looks pretty darn good to me! I'm sure Joaquin Phoenix will be brilliant in it.

Rob R said...

REALLY? To me, this looks like a terrific throwback/homage to 70s film character studies (think Taxi Driver, Dog Day Afternoon, etc. - though I am certainly not comparing it to that level having not actually seen it yet). I think it's an original way to take on the Joker. Much more interesting than I expected it to be.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am getting a Taxi Driver explosion of violence. And the kid is Bruce Wayne. Will he kill the Parentals? I have been burned by this bozo before.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

We had the exact same thought - 70s in New York films at the same time. That is spooky, Rob.

nolan said...

Believe in Joaquin... that is all

nolan said...

Also, this is what it looks like when DC goes arthouse...

Fiendenstein said...

I think it looks like a great movie, but it does make him look like a hero. Thing is the Joker should be a terrifying POS.
But hopefully yeah, more Travis Bickle like.