Sunday, April 5, 2009

Just Funny

From ROBOT NINE comes word of a homeowner in Wales who was turned in by his neighbor for having a home that was 18 inches too tall for the neighborhood. This slightly obstructed the neighbors view of the mountains. Since they had an ordinance for homes the homeowner had to reduce the height by the 18 inches at great cost. However they didn't have rules against vents so the homeowner got his revenge.


Darius Whiteplume said...

That rocks.

Wings1295 said...

That is AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

i remember reading one time that in california it is illegal to have anything blocking a solar panel-- so if you have an asshole neighbor, they can put one up that would conveniently be blocked by your house and cause you a shitload of trouble...

Hannah said...

Hahahaha! Love it!