Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Shouldn't Wax Figures Look Like The People They Represent?

The Hollywood Wax Museum is selling a hundred or so of their wax figures but for the life of me I can't imagine anyone buying them since they look like generic people and not the celebrities they are suppose to be. I would be very disappointed seeing these after paying my admission fee. These are just terrible. Even the celebs wouldn't buy them.


Anonymous said...

yeesh, that superman is awful and is lawrence fishburne hydrocyphalic?
i'd take the mr t though...

Wings1295 said...

I like the bemused old apeman from Planet of the Apes. Imagine dressing him up for the holidays!

wait... never mind, forget I said that...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

oh Wings...your fetish is showing

Bubbashelby said...

What're you talking about - that last one looks exactly like Joan Rivers.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Bubba - hook up with Wings...you can save on therapy if you share your sessions.