Sunday, August 2, 2009

Python Problems

Are you freakin' kidding me? Stupid people flushing their baby snakes down the toilet or abandon them in the swamps only to have them breed, multiply and grow to monstrous sizes. When the news story proclaims that alligators are no longer the top of the Everglade's food chain its time to freak out. I just saw footage of a fight between a python and an alligator. The snake won but exploded (yes EXPLODED) after trying to eat the alligator whole. One even got into a house and killed a two year old girl. That is messed up. We once had a guy come to our school who had a large zoo of wild animals in this science lab. He had all the kindergarten kids sit on a long bench and the 8 foot python he brought was placed on their laps stretched out to show how long it was. He had done this many times and one would assume that the snake was sedated heavily. I remember turning to a fellow teacher and saying "This will not end well." Sure enough as he was telling the assembly that it can take up to two weeks for a python to digest its meal and poop out the waste, the snake decided that was his time to have a crap. The poor little girl at the tail end starting freaking out as the poop hit her. Soon snake crap was everywhere and you could see the whole freakout wave spread across the bench in extra slow motion. It was one of the most amazing things I had ever seen. For all of ten seconds we watched transfixed as the kids tried to get the snake off them so they could join the rest of us who were making a mad dash for the exit. The snake itself was none too happy to be tossed to the ground and stepped on several times by screaming crying six year olds. I think I too may have stepped on a kid in my haste to 'get help'(yeh that is what happened). With poop coming out of him the now fully aware and awake snake was slithering across the gym floor after anyone slow and tasty that he could wrap around. Nobody was hurt and Mr Poopy Pants was gathered up by the handler and put back in his box. So I have seen one of these incontinent bastards in action. Now they are king of the Everglades? I repeat...Are you freakin KIDDING me? Reason # 564 why I love Canada. No pythons...ever! The picture below is of the python that exploded trying to eat the alligator. It EXPLODED people! Am I the only one who thinks that is seriously messed up?

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