Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Star Wars Love Letter

How was Jessica unable or unwilling to run over to this guys house and leap into his arms is beyond me. Brother poured his heart out to you girl. Its obvious that your heart is as cold as the night on the ice planet of Hoth. May the force NOT be with you. You are just a thrall of an evil Sith Lord.


Drake said...

Probably had too much trouble getting his light saber up for her...

Wandering Coyote said...

Drake: LOL!!!

Seriously, that melted even my cold, bitter, cynical little heart.

Cora said...

Okay, this one had me laughing outloud. I have a friend who I am CERTAIN would write a letter EXACTLY LIKE THAT to his wife, should she ever kick him and his extensive Star Wars collection out on the street.

Kind of ironic, I suppose, but my word verfication is "paired"

Anonymous said...

ANYONE who puts Star Wars references in a love letter is TOTALLY worth dating.

Reis O'Brien said...

I've seen this letter before and there much more to it. I'll see if I can hunt down the entire version!