Friday, November 5, 2010

People Suck And Not In The Good Way

Nothing annoys me more than someone messaging me and saying that although they don't know me, they think, by the things I write and the things I post on my blog and my tumblr, that they think that they could be friends with me.

Then twenty four hours later they unfollow me.

What kind of a diseased mind does something like that? Aren't they busy enough with their own shell of a life to not have interest in messing with mine?

What was I thinking posting about my love for Miss Selena and giving voice to cats? What kind of goober site am I running here anyways? Calvin's Canadian Cave of Goober Interests.


Pat Tillett said...

Why this is the most Gooberlicious blog in all of blogland...

Kal said...

Thanks. Always good to hear that.

Paladin said...

The non-specific, gender neutral, politically ambiguous, quasi-supreme being giveth, and he/she/it taketh away.

I'll take up the slack and follow you now, Cal. :)

M. D. Jackson said...

Yeah, what is it with people, huh? It's just a blog. It's not like they came over to your house and discovered a a severed head in the freezer.

( did get rid of that, by the way, didn't you?)

Drake said...

They couldn't take your Coolness Cal, their loss.
We got your back Amigo.

TS Hendrik said...

Sucks to them. Well, we're here to stay. That loser can go back to Loserville. Population: 1. Them.

Point. Scorch. Pow.

Kal said...

They not only discovered the head in my freezer but they took the one that was there and left me a fresh one. Who does that???

Big J said...

Oh come on Kal, that's just being crazy!! everyone knows heads go in the crisper, the freezer, just makes em' stringy and cold :)

Megan said...

Aw, don't be down. You could always go look at those pictures. You know the ones...

Kal said...

Oh yea Megan. That WILL cheer me up.