Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Where Is My Damn Toy Ronald McBastard?

"Toys can still be handed out with kids’ meals that have less than 600 calories, come with fruits and vegetables, and include drinks without too much fat or sugar."

So let me understand this. I can have my 'Happy Meal' loaded with trans fats but I can't have a toy - or I can have a toy but have to have the apple slice and milk meal? Why can't I have both? This is not 1950s Russia or modern North Korea. My ancestors went to war with the Indians so that I could have ketchup loaded with high fructose corn syrup to go with my heavily salted but oh so delicious french fries.

Why doesn't someone think of the businesses that make clothing for the husky child? What will they do if we stop feeding kids things that are bad for them? Also what happens to that steady job the maintenance man has repairing broken swing sets used by these hefty kids? It's wrong I tell you. WRONG! Let me have my toy dammit. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Nomad said...

You could always leave San Fran and have your fatty happy meal across the bay.
The verification word was snacus very appropriate.

TS Hendrik said...

Haha, no one ever thinks of that poor maintenance man.

Your right, and my ancestors (European) didn't wage war with my ancestors (Indians) so that my toy lust would have to take a backseat to my gluttony.

By the way, this is a new favorite of mine for titles of posts from you.

Bubbashelby said...

Seriously, if you have a fat kid it isn't because they wanted a Little Pony or a Batman figure with their lunch on Saturday! Do these assholes consider the bonding time some parents get when they have a Happy Meal with their kids? Sure it isn't real food but neither is Cotton Candy or a corn dog but you can really enjoy your kids' company with these things.

M. D. Jackson said...

If McDonald's is really that concerned about fat kids then they would give out free skipping ropes with every high-fat meal.

Oh, wait... that would lead to healthy kids... and healthy kids don't buy McDonald's crapburgers.... sorry. I forgot which universe I was in for a minute. All better now.

Toyin O. said...

Funny post.

joe ackerman said...

but it's MacDonalds. isn't the food in MacDonalds supposed to be shit? who in their right mind goes to MacDonalds to eat healthy food? did I miss that meeting? seriously, if I was a kid, and I got a happy meal - toy or not - and it consisted of a mineral water, some carrot sticks, and fishfingers, I would be REALLY fucking pissed off!! I can get that crap any day 'round me mum's house!

Drake said...


Paladin said...

Six words that should immediately make you want to scream and yank out your hair:

"There ought to be a law."

A friend of mine recently said we should just saw off California and let it drift away. It would be like amputating a leg to keep gangrene from poisoning the rest of the "body". I wouldn't go that far, but laws like Happy Meal toy bans sure highlight the depths to which a once great free state has fallen.