Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You Gotta Love 'Em

I have been happily watching the Randy Quaid and Wife saga as it unfolds. Currently they are guests in the Great White North while they seek asylum against those who would kill them - the villainous cabal of STARWACKERS. Fantastic.

First of all, Randy, to call yourself a star anymore is hubris of the highest order. You were always D-List at your best. But I can give you a pass on that point because at least, unlike Charlie Sheen, you are giving me something juicy to chew on.

I always say if you are going to spout da crazy then go full retard on your conspiracy theories. Don't give me the same Illuminati b.s. - make up something fresh and really sell it. I appreciate the effort they are putting into these lies and excuses - even better if they truly believe what they are saying.

This is why I have no respect for Charlie Sheen. When his spokespeople say that his destructive behavior is caused by a bad mix of 'medication', I just shake my head. Just say your are a dickhead when you are high, Charlie. That, is something I can believe. You aren't even trying and it's that laziness that I can never forgive. You really owe the public more than that.


Drake said...

Randy dosen't know that evil squids are behind the "Starwhackers"!

M. D. Jackson said...

They chose Canada to flee to because they figure we're to polite tell them that they're full of shit to their faces. They figuire we'll just smile and nod and let them stay. "So you guys aren't really fleeing justice for your misdemeanour crimes, you're actually afraid of Star Whackers? And you're not crazy? Sure. Okay."

But they didn't count on the Cave of Cool to tell it like it is.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Tell you what, you can keep Quaid if you give us a pallet of poutine.

Wings1295 said...

Do you think the wife is just as whacked out, or just playing along with the celebrity she caught?

CkretsGalore said...

No! No sharing of Poutine Dr. Monkey!

I just started reading about this train wreck today. Total whackjobs!

Nathan said...

Hey! Show respect to Cousin Eddie!