Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's Just So Stupid

I really hate people who spend all these years of their lives to accomplish only the most stupid of goals. I am left asking the famous question from Seinfeld - "What are you gonna do on the toilet? WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ON THE TOILET????"

"Atlanta mother and grandmother, Jazz Ison Sinkfield, has been growing out her fingernails for the last 22 years in the hopes of meeting Oprah and "a lot of more celebrities."

Must be nice to know that those grandkids get to go over to Gramma's house to wash her smelly ass because to do that herself would break a nail.

Here's a hint - why not start a great non-profit organization that provides hot lunches to kids in poor areas if you want to meet Oprah? And that one is just off the top of my head. Sitting in your kitchen an watching your nails grow is just about the most selfish thing you can do with your life. I at least write a blog that may bring some joy to another person but YOU, lady, just use up oxygen the rest of us need. FUCK YOU!


Wings1295 said...

It does raise questions about how she lives day to day. She is kind of making herself an invalid.

Anonymous said...


Tempo said...

...a genetic dead end.. actually there are lots more like her...politicians, lawyers....

Kal said...

This is why we need to build the Thunderdome.

Tempo said...

Oh, that ol thing? We still have it here in Broken Hill. (outback NSW) It was made for some movie or other but we only use it to get rid of Greenies, Backpackers and Kiwi's no days

Kal said...

"Why don't they have a show called, Friday Night Live From The Thunderdome" I like it to be set in the back and beyond. No easy escaping across the outback.

Cora said...

What's she going to do when she meets Oprah? It's not like she can shake her damn hand!

How does she open doors? Or eat? Or answer the phone? Or change her clothes? Or, like you said, go to the bathroom? Clearly, someone is doing all these things for her. It's disgusting. Blah.

Kal said...

These are the kind of records that I totally hate. That whole Guiness Record Book should be shut down for good.