Friday, July 1, 2011

I Remember These As A Kid

I devored these book when I was in Junior High. I love the art they added to the binding. Made each book seem elegant and authoratative. I was into lost civilization and cultures even that early. It was a no brainer that I would make 'Classics' my first degree when I went to College and Universary.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Folio Society books were always a class act.

Belle said...

I grew up in California and I've never seen these. They did an excellent job with the bindings.

Unknown said...

Used to read something similar when i was a kid growing up in the UK,the design of the covers was almost the same,cant for the life of me remember who published them though!

DEZMOND said...

I wish I had those, they look so beautiful and you know I love love love history!