Friday, July 1, 2011

The Scarecrow of Romny Marsh And Those Friggin' Crows

I am a total idiot. I have been stressing about the crows in my backyard and never realized I had the greatest research tool in human history right in front of me. A scarecrow is old school but tested by time.

Before he was Number 6 on 'The Prisoner', Patrick McGoohan did a great Disney movie about a masked freedom fighter who menaced the British in the time before the American Revolution. Dr Syn was his name but everyone else knew him best as 'The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh'.

So if I do build a scarecrow to chase off those stupid crows I need look no further than this movie for a model to follow.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Post a photo of the scarecrow you create!

Unknown said...

Peter Cushing played Dr.Syn in a film for Hammer but the name of it escapes me at the moment.