Sunday, March 25, 2012

They Never Forget The Love

After spending nearly two years socializing wolves in the world’s northernmost zoo, Norway’s Polar Zoo, Anita left for a couple of months. Upon her return, she was reunited with the wolf pack she helped socialize.


Belle said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing that. I learned to love wolves when I read Farley Mowat's book. I forget the name of it now; the one where he went to live with the wolves.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You're sure they're just not tasting her, eh?

Belle, Farley Mowat's book is "Never Cry Wolf," I believe. They made a fabulous movie of it too -- worth renting!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Never Cry Wolf. It was one of his great books.

DrGoat said...

That made my morning. Thanks.

Sebastian Black said...

I don't even like animals very much, and that made me smile.