Sunday, September 30, 2012

Life During The Cold War - Go West

I know this is crazy but I remember this song being performed on some music awards show and the background singers was the Russian Red Army Choir who travelled the world singing those great songs of the Motherland. This was back in the mid-nineties - the time of big changes in Russia and Eastern Europe. This song and that performance seemed to capture that mood of the time perfectly for me. The only thing left to fear were douchy Eastern Europeans.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

You know, the original "Go West" as sung by the Village People was a paen to gay love and freedom of lifestyle available in San Francisco. But the significance of the lyrics was lost on straight people in those days just because gay culture was not yet widely known. So then the Pet Shop Boys (another gay act) come along 20 years later and they "code" the song so it looks like an East/West Cold War anthem -- funny! But as seen in that concert clip -- lots of hunky men dancing in uniform behind them as they sing? SO GAY! And a real titillation to anyone with a uniform fetish, LOL!

Kal said...

Really? I missed all that subtext.

david_b said...

Yeah, similarly I was stationed in Germany but under the Fulda Gap protection business with a motorpool of nuclear-tipped M110A2's. Did a lot of month-long excursions around the countryside and Graff.

Ah, those were the days.

Kal said...

Gorgeous part of the world isn't it. Not too hot, not too cold, with castles.

david_b said...

I left in 1992, and you're right, sir.., gorgeous hilltops, beautiful green rolling hills as far as the eye can see.