Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Best First Date, EVER



david_b said...

Oh, MAN that's awesome for datenight.

Except for a minimal few, I never got much into video games ever(still not..).

My list of foes I will count as conquered (or still worthy opponents..) are:

- Asteroids
- Wolfenstein (original DOS version..)
- Basic-level Chess games
- and that old 'lunar lander' videogame which would frustrate me for days trying to land that sucker on mountain sides.

I still nag my nephews and inlaws for high-scoring on the virtual 'Medal of Honor' war/combat games, yet will never consider actually joining the military in real life because they 'might be involved in a war'..


DrGoat said...

Wolfenstein was my first computer game. It is still cool. I was a big fan of Star Castle and Tempest.

DrGoat said...

PS Love that comment about your nephews and inlaws. Reality tends to be real. Something I found out in 1969.

Kal said...

I bet not a lot of guys who have actually been to war don't play alot of those war games. I am amazed at the reality. I am always glad that my computer game knowledge ever evolved past the Tiger Woods golf game on PC. But I was there and played one of the original Pong games back in the day and thought I had be taken to the future.

Kal said...

Lunar lander game was great. You needed a soft touch to bring that baby home.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Neato keen!

DrGoat said...

Hey, I forgot about Lunar Lander. Thanks for jogging my memory. I liked that one too.

david_b said...

Agreed on the 'Lunar Lander'.

Maddening as hell, and you're 100% correct on that 'soft touch' needed, but the interface SURE looked realistic enough to make you feel like ol' Neil Armstrong.