Sunday, March 24, 2013

Grumpy Cat Visits Time Magazine Offices

I was charmed by this mix-breed genetic misfit right from the first moment her face started appearing on Tumblr. Last week she went on a whirlwind tour of New York City which included an appearance on Anderson Cooper's afternoon show and a Time Magazine photo shoot - both which she looks like she hates but I have a feeling she more than loves all the attention she is getting. Not since Keyboard Cat have we had a creature so perfectly represent the information age we live in. Nothing cool really stays a secret anymore and is left to have their popularity live and die on the whims of a fickle public. I don't think I will never grow tired of her gloomy face.
You can read about the Time article by going HERE. I wished we still lived in the days when you could get a Time Magazine at a newsstand. I would love to see sweet Grumpy Cat on the cover, perfect for framing.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Who DOESN'T love Grumpy Cat? She is so awesome!

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

i never tire of Grumpy cat! :D