Friday, March 1, 2013

If I Don't Get At LEAST 1000 Visistors By Days End Something Resonably Unpleasant Might Happen

I BOYCOTT! As the socialist unionist I am I will use my power to STRIKE in return for more slavish attention and recognition of my brilliance.

Give the regulars a break. Let loose with your love for me and my contribution to the personalized blog industry if you never have before. Can't I have my 15 minutes. Can't I cash in with mail-order products from former members of the Soviet Union? Can't I meet one real celebrity who people would applaud if I bashed them with a bag of frozen oranges? (Not to kill, just to smack some sense into that boy or girl?) I am a giver and a lover and I need some love.

The cat who oversees my therapy seems to agree. He's really upbeat and supportive of my idea to do violence upon stupid celebs in our culture who darken our souls with their selfishness. Can't we see SOMETHING BAD just happen to say a Rhianna, Chris Brown, Donald Trump, or Dick Cheney?

Where the fuck is the concept of KARMA? Me and Grumpy Cat here can't complain forever without seeing some real world RESULTS!

Only you can ease our pain.



M. D. Jackson said...

1000? These days I'd be lucky if I get 350. I used to regularly get around 500 a day but I think those days are behind me. It's all downhill from here.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah Cal, go nuts! GO NUTS!!!!