Friday, March 1, 2013

REMEMBER - I Was Doing This BEFORE All You Kids Thought It Would Be Hip To Look Like A Bum

EDMONTON — It’s one of the few style trends for which men must walk the fine line between hot and homeless, but beards — the big, bushy, bountiful kind — are flourishing on faces all over town these days.

You can read the rest of the story HERE.
Thanks to Debra for sending me the original story. Next week I go see my stylist (don't laugh) Mitchell and I think I want him to do something shaping and different with my beard. It's too wild and out of control right now though I really have no one to impress. I like to look like I just came back from surviving some Arctic expedition like Franklin's. People don't mess with you at the Sobey's deli counter if you look a bit 'hinky'.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You've always been a trailblazer, man.

Kal said...

First in my class and last one to fall asleep.