Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Just because SOMEONE on one side of the border of the other wants to be an asshole, I can't see a clip of Selena singing her newest single 'Come and Get It' from the 2013 MTV Movie Awards. I have bitched about this quirk in the Internet for years but to no avail. It's a rule that comes from the same genius' who keep us from watching the million dollar Superbowl commercials so that Herb's Tire and Muffler can pay ten dollars to the local station carrying the big game to air his crappy commercial.

I was lucky enough to find her full performance but it couldn't be embedded to share with you all here. If anyone comes across an embedded copy in your travels, please to let me know. I would really like to share this sexy and cool performance with all of you - maybe then you would love Selena as much as I do.

But unfortunately all I have to offer is Selena singing the same song on 'Ellen'. Of course this version contains none of the Bindi Bollywood style sexiness that my girl showed on the MTV stage. It's really worth your time (if you live in the US) to check out the original.
Oh and now FUCK YOU Perez Hilton. Your video just had to start up each time I reset my main page without me wanting to to or not. So now that had to go lest it start annoying others. You guys really don't want anyone like Selena to be famous. Bastards people. That's what you are. You are bastard people.

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