Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Interesting - The Point Is Made

This machine allows anyone to work for minimum wage for as long as they like. Turning the crank on the side releases one penny every 4.97 seconds, for a total of $7.25 per hour. This corresponds to minimum wage for a person in New York. This piece is brilliant on multiple levels, particularly as social commentary. Without a doubt, most people who started operating the machine for fun would quickly grow disheartened and stop when realizing just how little they’re earning by turning this mindless crank. A person would then conceivably realize that this is what nearly two million people in the United States do every day…at much harder jobs than turning a crank. This turns the piece into a simple, yet effective argument for raising the minimum wage.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

From my days of working for minimum wage, yes that is just what it's like.

Anonymous said...

The elegance of concept and execution is breathtaking.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

yep.... *sigh* been there

M. D. Jackson said...

Of course if that machine were in Canada and distributing Canadian pennies then the operator would be working for nothing.

Kal said...

He'd still have the pride of a job well done. And massive forearms. Can you imagine the slack shot he could take with all that training?

Dr. Theda said...

Sadly ...I would do this for hours at a time if I could ... Disabled now with No income and only a small check each month... this would allow me a bit of "spending money" ( as well as more and better foods"... )
Sorry for this sad comment ... but this one really made "Stacey" Think... Good post Sir...