Thursday, April 18, 2013

One Day, They Will Be Mine



Dr. Theda said...

I had them All ... the play-sets and the TV versions and 3 solider-apes Ape-City ...the "Tree-House"... sold it all to my cousins back in 78 for $20.oo.... Sorry

david_b said...

They're shiny and gorgeous..

They're always available on eBay.. For a price.

Dr. Theda said...

Sir ... I live at "poverty" level and am trying to see about selling off some of the things that we have had for Years...
I have been told by several people that they would set me up an "E-Bay" account... ... been hearing that one for a while now ... can't even get Alex to come by and take care of my computer... we are at a loss ... and trying to make the best of what little we do have ... I am left with very little "spending money each month... So most Everything" is out of our "price-range"... Sorry

david_b said...

"But, but, but I thought everyone was prosperous under our American President..???"

Y'know, that "Hope and Change" stuff...?

"Please, sir... tell me it isn't so."

Mike D. said...

A company called "Figures toy company" has been producing all kinds of awesome re-issues and has a bunch of re-issues on the horizon. If you could obtain these re-issues ( If they make them ) would they make you happy? Or would you prefer the originals?

Kal said...

The re-issues of the Mego Superheroes were great so I would easily go for the preproductions. My Star Trek ones are spot on.

Dr. Theda said...

Sir "Stacey" (Me) ..barely makes it by each month least I still have utilities, for now...
I really enjoy looking at the images of these wonderful toys and collectables... best that I can do is to save images of them on my computer... Sorry not everyone has a "good" life...