Sunday, September 1, 2013

Someone With A Worse Job Than You On This Labor Day Weekend

I just have to say that Samurai Frog has been on FIRE with his Tumblr page today and it was there that I found these two great images. Check out his Tumblr page (and MINE ya bunch of freaks) and see the infinite variety that can come out of the preferences of a person. Look at his archive to see it done well. He will be the source of many future posts as I steal from him everyday without credit. But that is the sharing nature of Tumblr.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

At least the Ducky Momo suit is all concealing, allowing you to hide your shame from the rest of the world.

Kal said...

Yes, your sweaty, asbestos breathing shame. As all the doors to all the stores are just a bit too small for you to get through. You are locked out WITH your shame so it's twice as bad.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sharing is what the internet is all about.

Kal said...

Long may it remain free.