Sunday, December 1, 2013

Oh It Tis The Season To Be Grumpy



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Doctors advise against jingling ALL the way. You should probably just jingle part of the way, then take a break before starting again, but only if you feel up to it.

Kal said...

I nor JINGLE or RUN. I am past the age where I can no longer not worry about hip and knee injuries. That is just what my enemies have hoped for all along. That I would be hobbled and slowed down. It's only my speed (much like that of a jungle cat) that has saved me all these years. SO PUT YOUR JINGLES IN A SACK BUDDY!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I jingled once. It was awful.

Kal said...

Thank you for feeling my pain. You think you are going to like it (like a New Years Eve party) but you NEVER do.